Difficult to detect and totally undesirable, parasites (aka worms) are those little squirmy organisms that keep us awake at night, make us itch and spread disease.
Where do we get them?
We generally get parasitic infections by oral means, in particular:
• eating pork
• eating raw meat and fish, including sashimi
• poor hygiene, including via children, pets, shaking hands, contaminated drinking water/food, raw fruit and veggies
Parasites can also enter the body by skin penetration.
Did you know?
Cooking meat, in particular pork, will kill parasites, but not the eggs of the parasites that later hatch in your body. Research shows a high concentration of parasitic infections amongst people who eat pork.
You can’t just catch worms or parasites, just as you can’t catch virus, cold or flu.
It starts firstly with a weakened immune/digestive system and poor health. Once the body is weakened, its defence is down, which allows parasites and other pathogens to enter. A healthy immune system and digestive system is a great way to prevent theses critters from moving in in the first place.
The parasite food diaries
Parasites are not fussy when it comes to food. They love sugar, fungi (including mushrooms), alcohol, processed food, grains, animal products – especially pork. They even feed off low-sugary fruits if there is nothing else they can get their hands on … They like a good feast and defiantly don’t wait until Christmas to do so.
What parasites don’t like to eat
The word on the street is that parasites hate:
– pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
– garlic
– onions
– low sugar foods
– plant-based foods
– foods high in fibre like flaxseed (linseed) meal and chia seeds
These foods take away the holiday environment that parasites thrive on. This kills them and/or forces them to move out and find another home to live in, Yay 😊
I am hungry and itchy.
Do I have parasites?
If you have parasites, you may not even experience the dreaded anal itch.
Signs of parasites can include:
– tiredness, fatigue
– constipation, diarrhoea
– nausea and/or vomiting
– bloating, stomach pain
– unexpected weight loss
– loss of appetite
– heartburn and reflux
– constant craving for sugar, carbs and alcohol
– still feeling hungry after eating a substantial meal
– brain fog and poor concentration
– sleeping problems
– rashes
– anxiety
– irritability or anger outbursts
– anaemia
– allergies
– chills during the day or night
Need a parasite cleanse?
A parasite cleanse is recommended to do once a year, especially if you are exposed to any food contamination, eat pork, raw animal products, have or work with children or have pets.
In particular, if you travel overseas to Asia, Africa, South America or Middle East and experience diarrhoea or food poisoning (Bali Belly, Montezuma’s Revenge …) it is recommended considering the possibility of parasitic infection.
Ask us at Total Health about our 7-week parasite cleansing program.
Squirmy fact
The longest tapeworm recorded to be found in the human body (and removed) was nearly 2 meters long.The first written records indicating parasitic infection come from Egyptian medicine dating back to 3000 BC.
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