Naturopathic Health Check
A naturopathic health check will help determine your level of health and well-being. The check-up looks at markers in the body that are known to reflect true health, well-being and vitality.
Our physical body is ‘the marker of all truth’ (Serge Benhayon) and by looking after ourselves and starting to look at some of these signs, such as exhaustion, stress, nervous tension, anxiousness, bloating, muscle tension, and pain, we then have the ability to heal and live a life in full vitality, health and harmony.
A naturopathic health check can be undertaken as a stand-alone testing session or within a program format, such as for cancer support, a cold/flu prevention, digestive rebuilding, fertility management, exercise programs, injury rehabilitation, pain management, or a 12-week detoxification program to clear toxins, chemicals, and heavy metals from the body.
We recommend a naturopathic health check at least once a year which can include: tests, structural check for correct body alignment and re-assessing your health status
If you would like to know your health markers and to ensure ongoing support of your health and vitality, our naturopathic health checks are highly recommended.
A naturopathic health check can include testing of:
- Blood pressure and heart rate
- Heavy metal and free radical
- Chelating ability to absorb and eliminate minerals
- Digestive health and bacterial growth test
- Yeast/candida/coeliac
- Acid-alkaline levels
- Hydration
- Glucose levels
- Inflammation markers for kidney, bladder and uric acid
- Elevated liver enzymes
- Ability to digest protein
- General infection and inflammation markers
- Oxygen saturation in the bloodstream
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Vitamins and minerals deficiencies
- Stress profile and stress and adrenal markers
- Essential fatty acids
- Serotonin and dopamine levels
- Allergies and food intolerance
- Antibody (IgG) reactions to 59 common foods
- Oxidative stress, including – Free Oxygen Radical Test (FORT), Free Oxygen Radical Defence (FORD) and Oxidation-Reduction Reaction (REDOX)
- Lipid levels
- Primary haematology
- Diabetes markers
- Cardiovascular risk
- Toxicity levels
- Body posture and hip alignment
- Spinal alignment
How to Book
Sessions are available online or in-person
in Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
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