Natural Performance Optimisation
At Total Health our approach to Natural Performance Optimisation focuses on bringing an athlete as near as possible to his or her physiological limit of performance through biological, energetic and naturopathic means, in co-ordination with an optimal training program.
These measures are designed to enhance and optimise the body’s natural ability to restore itself in full, thereby reducing the regeneration time after training or competition.
This ensures optimal physical and physiological performance within one’s capacity, while maintaining vitality, health, and well-being in all areas of life.
The usual approach to achieving enhanced performance that we see frequently in the sporting world consists of stimulating the body to perform beyond one’s possible physical and physiological capacity.
This method can leave the body exhausted, depleted and prone to injury and illness. On the contrary, at Total Health, our approach is to optimise performance in a natural and supportive manner, whilst bringing no harm to the body.
How to Book
Sessions are available online or in-person
in Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
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